项目名称 石河子大学 新西兰林肯大学教师培训团
出发日期 2025-02-15
出发地 乌鲁木齐
天数 14
立即报名 立即报名
在线咨询 在线咨询
    1 奥克兰 新疆维吾尔自治区 上海 奥克兰 AIR CZ6885 SA15FEB 乌鲁木齐广州 1445 2010
    Take an international flight to Auckland
    2 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR C305 SU16FEB 广州奥克兰 0010 1615
    Arrive Auckland
    Check into hotel
    3 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR 09:00-12:00
    Welcome ceremony
    Lectures on classroom management and graduate curriculum system
    This lecture will explore key strategies for classroom management in graduate programs, including effective communication, student engagement techniques, and assessment policies. Additionally, it will provide an overview of the graduate curriculum system, discussing how academic programs are structured to meet learning outcomes, industry requirements, and research expectations. Classroom management involves creating a positive learning environment, maintaining discipline, and implementing strategies that foster student participation, collaboration, and motivation. At the graduate level, this requires a balance between structured learning and independent research, ensuring that students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and professional skills. The graduate curriculum system refers to the structured framework of courses, research requirements, and assessments that define a student's academic journey. It includes course design, credit allocation, evaluation methods, and policies that align with institutional goals and accreditation standards.
    12:00-14:00 AUT食堂午餐·休息
    Visit AUT and the laboratory
    4 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR 09:00-12:00 Exchange classroom management experience with professors
    12:00-14:00 午餐·休息
    Lectures: "Graduate training, teaching systems, classroom management methods, proper behavior in and out of the classroom, etc."
    This lecture delves into essential components of graduate education, including training methodologies, teaching systems, classroom management strategies, and professional conduct within and beyond academic settings. Graduate programs emphasize independent research, advanced coursework, and skill development to prepare students for careers in academia, industry, and research. Through academic writing, research methodology, and professional ethics, students enhance their critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership abilities. Mastering these principles enables graduate students to engage effectively in scholarly discussions, contribute meaningfully to their fields, and develop into future leaders.
    5 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR 09:00-12:00 New Zealand graduate education system
    12:00-14:00 午餐·休息
    Discussion with professors on "Graduate Training, Education System, Curriculum Characteristics"
    Being a Postgraduate Supervisor: Graduate Training, Education System, Curriculum Characteristics Brief abstract: This talk explores effective postgraduate supervision by addressing graduate training, education systems, and curriculum characteristics. It highlights mentoring strategies, fostering research and soft skills, aligning with institutional goals, and designing flexible, research-oriented curricula. Through practical scenarios and discussions, participants gain insights to support student success and navigate supervision challenges effectively.
    6 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR 09:00 酒店接团员
    7 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR 09:00-12:00 New Zealand graduate program development, credit system and other related graduate training
    Being a Postgraduate Supervisor: Graduate Training, Education System, Curriculum Characteristics Brief abstract: This talk explores effective postgraduate supervision by addressing graduate training, education systems, and curriculum characteristics. It highlights mentoring strategies, fostering research and soft skills, aligning with institutional goals, and designing flexible, research-oriented curricula. Through practical scenarios and discussions, participants gain insights to support student success and navigate supervision challenges effectively.
    12:00-14:00 午餐·休息
    14:00-17:00 Group discussion
    8 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR Research in the libraries. 2025-02-22
    9 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR Research in the libraries. 2025-02-23
    10 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR 09:00-12:00
    Lecture "How to Use Topics and Competitions to Stimulate Graduate Students' Interest in Learning"
    This lecture explores effective strategies for enhancing graduate students' engagement and motivation through the use of topics and academic competitions. Stimulating intellectual curiosity is essential for fostering active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in graduate education. By integrating real-world topics, interdisciplinary discussions, and competitive academic challenges, educators can create dynamic learning environments that encourage collaboration, innovation, and independent research. This lecture will examine how carefully selected topics can align with students' interests and career goals, while competitions such as research symposiums, case study challenges, and innovation contests can boost motivation, improve academic performance, and prepare students for professional success.
    12:00-14:00 午餐·休息
    14:00-17:00 Group discussion
    11 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR 09:00-12:00
    How to improve the ability of postgraduate tutors
    This lecture focuses on strategies for enhancing the effectiveness of postgraduate tutors, equipping them with the skills and methodologies needed to support, mentor, and guide graduate students effectively. Postgraduate tutors play a crucial role in shaping students' academic and professional growth by fostering critical thinking, independent research skills, and effective communication. Key areas covered in this lecture include pedagogical approaches, research supervision, time and resource Management, and mentorship and professional development.
    12:00-14:00 午餐·休息
    14:00-17:00 Time to visit schools/departments/labs and research in the libraries and work on essays
    12 奥克兰 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 CAR 09:00-12:00
    Lectures on the ability improvement of graduate tutors or lectures on graduate education
    Graduate education is an advanced level of academic learning designed to equip students with specialized knowledge, research skills, and professional expertise in their chosen fields. This lecture explores the structure, objectives, and challenges of graduate studies, highlighting its role in fostering critical thinking, innovation, and leadership. Key topics covered include types of graduate programs, research and thesis writing, teaching and learning approaches, graduate student responsibilities, and career pathways
    12:00-14:00 午餐·休息
    14:00-17:00 奥克兰大学访问(校长办公室与留学生接待)
    13 上海 奥克兰 奥克兰 0 AIR 09:00-12:00 Group lectures, presentations, comments and feedback
    Closing ceremony
    12:00-14:00 午餐·休息
    14:00-17:00 Free time
    Take an Night flight back to China
    CZ306 TH27FEB 奥克兰-广州 2210 0500+1
    14 上海 0 0 CAR C26886 FR28FEB 广州-乌市 0805 1330 2025-02-28
    名称 EWA_V
    EXT_FEATURE 项目特征
    EXT_CITY_INFO 城市简介
    EXT_CAMP_INFO 学校/营地简介

    1. 机票:行程中机票往返费用;

    2. 签证:目的地国家签证

    3.  住宿:寄宿家庭+当地三星的酒店;

    4. 餐食:普通中式午晚餐+营地午餐+寄宿家庭早晚餐;

    5. 交通:包含行程中城市交通游览用车+营地期间公共交通;

    6. 门票:包含行程中所涉及景点游览费用;

    7. 导游:包含行程中各地中文地陪导游服务;

    8. 小费:包含全程所需支付的小费;

    9. 保险:包含境外旅行意外伤害保险。

    10. 此报价汇率按照中国银行外币汇率中间价核算,如外汇牌价发生变化,此报价做相应调整。


    1. 全程单房差;

    2. 洗衣、理发、电话、饮料、烟酒、付费电视、行李搬运等私人费用;

    3. 出入境的行李海关课税,境内行李托运费、超重行李的托运费、管理费等;

    4. 办理护照费用;

    5. 因不可抗拒的客观原因和非我公司原因(如天灾、战争、罢工等)或航空公司航班延误或取消、领馆签证延误等特殊情况,我公司有权取消或变更行程,一切超出费用(如在外延期签证费、住、食、及交通费、国家航空运价调整等)我公司有权追加差价;

    6. 服务项目中未列明的其他费用。