环球青少年大使计划-英语名师教学领导力/课堂管理工作坊 主办单位:环球青少年大使计划 承办单位:教育局、教科所、中小学校
Experienced and professional Australian English educator shares his advanced and innovative teaching methods and skills with Chinese English teachers about Professional Development and Group Growth Process in teaching. By so doing, he hopes to impart their pedagogical approaches and instructional skills and learn from the Chinese teachers about the experience and challenges of English teaching and learning in China.
Training goals 培训目标:
The biggest challenge of all English educators and teachers in China now is how to organize and manage students to study English and do a lot of improvement in an appropriate way. At the same time the second challenge is how to cultivate students to think and discuss with logical thinking, which can inspire students' potential and talent well. 当前,大部分英语教师和教育工作者最大的挑战是如何更好地组织和管理学生以更好地方式进行英语的学习和提高。与此同时,对于他们的第二大挑战是,怎样更好地培养学生运用逻辑思维进行思考和讨论,并以此地激发学生的潜能与天赋。
The purpose of this session is to promote communication among English learners in the classroom environment and encourage them to speak English with each other, in small groups and in front of an audience. Students should be equipped with necessary knowledge and skills to prepare a persuasive message and deliver it with confidence. 促进英语学习者在课堂环境中的交流,鼓励学生在团体小组周围互相讲英语。学生应具备必要的知识和技能,准备一个有说服力的主题,并且自信的向人们表达出想法。 Training objectives 培训预期效果:
Through two days training, participants will learn: 通过为期2天的培训,参训人员能够到下列的知识和技能:
As a result of the training participants will be able to: 1.Cultivate students to think and discuss with logical thinking, which can inspire students' potential and talent well. It also can enable them to develop the ability and habit of lifelong learning. 1.培养学生能够运用逻辑思维进行思考和讨论,并更好地激发学生的潜能与天赋,让他们可以养成终身学习的能力和习惯。 2.Professional Development aims to assist and equip teachers in making their classrooms a more emotionally connected safe space for learning. 2.教师的专业发展旨在协助和培养每位老师的英语教学能力,这不仅可以使他们的课堂成为联结学生有效学习、互动交流的安全地带,也可以促进师生之间的情感。 3.Group Growth Process (along with the understanding of what leadership is) helps teachers make their classroom a place of engagement with students where curiosity and learning can flourish. 培训时长与培训人数: 每期2天共十个课时(分三场讲座及互动环节),每期培训人数不超过40人,同一地区连续做两到四期。 2天课程可拆为:学校管理团队(1天)+学校英语老师/骨干老师(1天)
培训时间: 2019年3月18-4月5日之间,提前预约。 【2018年11月15-16日出席第五届国际教育资源共享峰会,担任主旨演讲嘉宾】现场演讲有感染力,互动强。2018年11月初在山东多地巡回做领导力工作坊。
培训对象: 各学校英语骨干老师,国际部骨干老师, 学校校长,执行校长,管理团队,外事办骨干老师(可开设专场,配备翻译)
培训收费: 每期2天收费2万元(参照国内教师培训标准,包含外国专家两天8-10小时【2天,每天4-5小时,具体参照课表,可微调】培训费用,承办方需提供外方主讲专家及助教3天食宿【四星酒店】起和当地交通),承办单位需提供教学场地(容纳40人教室一间,多媒体教学设备),参加培训的教师自理食宿。
师资配备: 教育专家一名,助教翻译一名
环球青少年大使计划 2018 年 12月 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |